AWEX Detectors

Smoke detector S
Smoke detector is used for alarming about fire in its early stage. It has optical-dissipation smoke sensor. Air analyse takes place in detection chamber equiped with photo diodes. That ensures fast and reliable fire detection. Detector works only in FAS systems. Device can be installed in addressable loop detection circuits or stub detection circuits.

Temperature detector T
The heat detector is used to detect fire at an early stage of its development. It has a thermistor temperature detection system, enabling quick and effective fire detection. The detector works in the AWEX fire alarm system. The element can be mounted on addressed detection lines, both loop and radial. Heat detection is carried out using a 4-thermistor temperature measurement system. The fire alarm is triggered when the temperature limit is reached or when it rises rapidly. The microprocessor recognizes the type of alarm and transmits it via the detection line to the control panel.

Heat and Smoke Detector TS
Heat and smoke detector is used for discovering early stage of fire. It has two sensors: heat and smoke. This combinations causes fast and reliable detection all types of fire. Detector works only in FAS systems. Device can be installed in addressable loop detection circuits or stub detection circuits.

Smoke detector SF
Heat and smoke detector is used for discovering early stage of fire. It has two sensors: heat and smoke. This combinations causes fast and reliable detection all types of fire. Detector works only in FAS systems. Device can be installed in addressable loop detection circuits or stub detection circuits.

Heat detector TF
Heat detector is used for discovering early stage of fire. It’s system uses termistores to carry fast and reliable fire detection. Heat detection is carried by 4-termistors temperature sensors. Fire alarm appears when temperature reach seted level or in case of it’s fast increase. Detector has built-in optical FLASH LED. This lets recognize it’s activation for a long distance. Microchip recognize type of alarm and drives it trough loop to FAS control unit. Detector works only in FAS systems. Device can be installed in addressable loop detection circuits or stub detection circuits.

Heat and smoke detector TSF
Heat and smoke detector is used for discovering early stage of fire. It has two sensors: heat and smoke. This combinations causes fast and reliable detection all types of fire. Detector works only in FAS systems. It has built-in optical FLASH LED. This lets recognize it’s activation for a long distance. Device can be installed in addressable loop detection circuits or stub detection circuits.

Smoke beam detector Fireray 50R/100R
Beam smoke detectors Fireray 50R/100R are designed for securing big spaces, like: production halls, wearhouses,museums, shopping malls etc. There are two types differs with range: Fireray 50R: 5 – 50 [m] and Fireray 100R: 50 – 100 [m]. Beam smoke detector consist of transmiter and reciver mounted in the same housing, and mirror. Transmiter sends infrared beam which reflects of the mirror and goes
back to the reciver. In case when beam is disturbed by smoke, detector activates alarm.

Smoke beam detector TX7130
This device is designed for securing big spaces, like: production halls, wearhouses, museums, shopping malls etc. Beam smoke detector monitore wide area in the range of 8 – 100 [m]. Device consist of transmiter and reciver mounted in the same housing, and mirror. Transmiter sends infrared beam which reflects of the mirror and goes back to the reciver. In case when beam is disturbed by smoke, detector activates alarm.

Duct smoke detector DS
Duct smoke detector DS is used for discovering early stage of fire in the ventilation ducts. It has optical sensor which ensure fast and reliable fire detection. Device have double sided built-in shortcircuit
isloator. These ensure constant loop works, even in case of damage. It also lets you easy find place of that damage. Moreover detectors constantly measures dirtyness level and control units – if needed
– shows information about neccesity of their cleening. Dirtyness level is also take to acount of fire detection, makes detection more reliable.