AFG Compact Control Unit

AFG Compact Control Unit


The AFG-4000 series control panel is the basic, autonomous component of the smoke extraction and ventilation system. The control panel controls and supplies 24VDC (type: AFG-4024) or 48VDC (type: AFG-4048) electricity to:

  • drives for smoke ventilation flaps and windows (smoke extractors),
  • electromagnetic latches (electromagnetic triggers) pneumatic flaps or fire protection ventilation flaps,
  • three-wire actuators for fire protection ventilation flaps,
  • aeration door drives,
  • smoke curtain drives,
  • contactors (inverters) of aeration and smoke exhaust fans.




The control panel performs the following functions:

  • smoke ventilation,
  • airing,
  • closing the flaps in the event of rain or strong wind,

The fire protection smoke ventilation function is performed when the automatic smoke or temperature detector is activated, the „Run” button in the manual smoke exhaust button is pressed, or it is controlled by an external alarm signal, e.g. from the fire alarm security panel.

The venting function is performed by means of the manual venting button.

The function of closing the flaps in the event of a threat of rain or strong wind is provided by an automatic rain/wind weather sensor.

Each function has a different priority. The fire extinguishing function has the highest priority. Lower signal from the weather sensor. The lowest – airing. A function with a higher priority blocks the function with a lower priority.

Alarm opening of the smoke dampers is a superior function and they can be opened even when the ventilation function is on.

Modes of operations

NORMAL: change of polarity on outputs 1, 2 to control window actuators and smoke dampers

ZE: 24VDC pulse on output 1, 2 for 20 sec. to control the electric release or electromagnetic latch releasing the damper bolt of the damper equipped with an opening system based on its own energy (pneumatic actuators, springs, etc.)

WEN: 24VDC voltage on output 1, 2 to control e.g. contactors (or inverters) of aeration or smoke exhaust fans

REVERSE: change of polarity on output 1, 2 – closing after alarm signal.

In addition, the SW2 switch can be used to set the opening time of the vents in the ventilation function or the activation delay of the executive outputs